Saturday, November 19, 2016

C prog Assignment Group B

Group B

1. Write a program calculates sine values for angles 0, 10, 20, ………..,180.
2. Write a program using one print statement to print the pattern of asterisks as
    shown below : if n=4 .
*      *
*      *      *
*      *      *      *
3. Write a program using one print statement to print the pattern of asterisks as
     shown below : if n=4 .
                                                                                        *     *
                                                                                 *     *     *
                                                                          *     *     *     *
4. Write a program to output the following multiplication table. If n= 4
5. Write a program to convert the temperature Celsius to Fahrenheit & Fahrenheit
     to Celsius by the formula.    F = (9C/5)+32.
6. Write a program to compute the area of the triangle given the values of a, b and
    c. Where a, b and c are sides of the triangle and 2S=a+b+c.
7. Write a program to compute Distance between two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is
     given the coordinates of the points.
8. Write a program to compute perimeter and area of a circle.
9.Write a program to display the following simple arithmetic calculator
                                          x=                y=
                                         Sum=            Difference=
                                         Product=       Division=
10. Write a program to determine and print the sum of following harmonic series
       for given value of n: 1+1/2+1/3+…….+1/n.
11. Write a program that prints the even numbers & the odd numbers for given
       value of n.
12. Write a program to count and print the number of negative & positive numbers
       in a given set of numbers. Reading should be terminated when the value 0 is
13. Write a program that displays the number as follows: If n= 4 digit integer
14. Write a program that reads a floating-point number and then displays the two
       right –most digit of the integral part of the number.
15. Write a program to print the size of various data types in C.

16. Write a program to read a  n digit integer(input of n)  and print the sum of its
      digits. Using / and % operators.
17. Write a program to read three values from input  and output the largest
      of them without using if statement.
18. Write a program to read three values using scanf statement and print the
      following results:
           a) Sum of the values                      b) Average of the three values
           c) Largest of three values              d) Smallest of three values
19. Write a program to print first n fibonacci  numbers using for loop the series is
0 1 1 2 3 5 8……….
20. Write a program to print first n fibonacci  numbers using while  loop the series
        Is  0 1 1 2 3 5 8……….
21. Write a program to print first n fibonacci  numbers using do while  loop the
       series is   0 1 1 2 3 5 8……….
22. Write a program to print integers from  1 to 100 using for loop.
23. Write a program to print integers from  1 to 100 using while  loop.
24. Write a program to print integers from  1 to 100 using do while loop.         
25. Write a program to solve the number pyramid using for loop.
26. Write a program to solve the number pyramid using do while loop.
27. Write a program to solve the number pyramid using while loop.
28. Write a  program to display all the factors of an entered integer using for loop.
29. Write a program to display all the factors of an entered integer number with
     while loop.
30. Write a program to display all the factors of an entered integer using do while
31. Write a program to accept date as input in the format DD-MM-YYYY and
      determine if he given year is leap year or not.
32. Write a program that converts seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds and print
     them as bellow-if 357 is seconds then the output ?
33. Write a program to take the day, month, year of the date of birth of a person
     and date of today and find the age of the person in years ,months & days.
34. Write a program to rotate  their values such that x has the value of y, y has the
     value of z & z has the value of x.
35. Write a program as shown
      1+2+3+4+………………………………..+n= ?
36. Write a program as shown
      1+3+5+7+………………….…………….+n= ?
37. Write a program as shown 
       2+4+6+8+…………………………………+n= ?
38. Write a program output 1 to n of prime number.
39. Using switch statement & write a program of  University grade point.
40.  Write a program to compute and display the sum of all integers that are
       divisible by 6 but not divisible by 4 and lie between 0 and 100. The program
      should also count and display the number of such values.
41. Write a program to print the multiplication table from 1x1  to 12x10 .
42. Write a program using while loop to reverse the digits of the number.
43. Write a program to compute the sum of the digits of a given number.
44. Write a program using a single-subscripted variable to evaluate the following expression:
45. Write a program that will read the values of elements of A and B and produce the sum of matrix C.
46. Write a program convert decimal number to binary number.
47. Write a program convert binary number to decimal number.
48. Write a program to find the number of and sum of all integers greater than 100 and less than 200 that are divisible by 7.
49. Write a program to print the following outputs using for loops
2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5
50. Write a program to count the number of students belonging to each of
      following groups of marks : 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, ………,100;
      The list of marks obtained by a class of 50 students in annual examination
      43 65 51 27 79 11 56 61 82 09 25 36 07 49 55 63 74  81 49 37 40 49 16 75 87
      91 33 24 58 78 65 56 76 67 45  54 36 63 12 21 73 49 51 19 39 49 68 93 85 59
51. Write a program to print a square of size 5 by using the character S as shown
52. Write a program that will read the values of elements of A and B and produce
        the product matrix C.
53. Write a program that will read the values of elements of A and B and produce
      the subtraction of  matrix C.
54. Write a program to convert the line of lowercase text to uppercase text , leaving
       uppercase unchanged using “for” loop.
55. Write a program to convert the line of lowercase text to uppercase text , leaving
      uppercase unchanged using “while” loop.
56. Write a program to convert the line of lowercase text to uppercase text , leaving
      uppercase unchanged using “ do while” loop.
57. Write a  c program to read a line of text and display it in reverse order using for loop.
58. Write a c program to read a line of text and display it in reverse order using while loop.
59. Write a c program to read a line of text and display it in reverse order using do while loop.