Friday, September 02, 2016

Solution of ANSIC Excercies Chapter 02

(Mahmud_Jamil)..BRUR// 02-09-2016

2.1   Write a program to determine and print the sum of following harmonic series for given
        value of n:
        The value of n should be given interactively through the terminal.

                 #include <stdio.h>
                 int main()
                  int n;
                  float sum,i;
                  printf("Enter the value of n:\n");
                 printf("\n\tSum = %.2f\n",sum);
                  return 0;

2.2  Write a program to read the price of an item in decimal form and print it in paise
        (like paise 2563).

                  int main()
                   float Price;
                   int Paise;
                   printf("Enter the price of Item in decimal\n");
                   printf("\nPrice in Paise is %d \n",Paise);
                  return 0;

2.3   Write a program that prints the even no. from 1 to 100.

                  int main()
                  int i=2;
                    printf("The even numbers from 1 to 100 are:\n\n");
                  while(i<=100) {
                    printf(" %d" ,i);
                     return 0;

2.4  Write a program that requests two float type numbers from the user and then divides
       the first number by the second and display the result along with the numbers.

                 int main()
                  float x,y,Division;
                   printf("Enter two values are:\n");
                   scanf("%f  %f", &x,&y);
                    printf("\nx=%.2f y=%.2f \n\nDivision=%.2f\n",x,y,Division);
                    return 0;

2.5  The price of one kg of rice is Rs. 16.75 and one kg of sugar is Rs.15. Write a program
        to get these values from the user and display the prices as follows:
                                            *** LIST OF ITEMS***
                                             Item               Price
                                             Rice                Rs. 16.75
                                             Sugar             Rs. 15.00

                  int main()
                    float RicePrice,SugarPrice;
                     printf("Enter the price of Rice:\n");
                    printf("Enter the price of Sugar:\n");
                     printf("***LIST OF ITEMS***\n");
                      printf("Item        Price\n");
                    printf("Rice     Rs. %.2f\n",RicePrice);
                    printf("Sugar    Rs. %.2f\n",SugarPrice);
                     return 0;

2.6   Write program to count and print the number of negative and positive numbers in a given set of
        numbers. Test your program with a suitable set of numbers. Use scanf to read the numbers.
        Reading should be terminated when the value 0 is encountered.

                 #include <stdio.h>
                int main()
                  int i,m,sum=0,add=0;
                   float n;
                     printf("Enter %d numbers are\n",m);
                    for(i=1; i<=m; i++){
                           printf("\n\tTotal %d Numbers are positive\n",sum);
                           printf("\tTotal %d Numbers are negative\n\n",add);

                         return 0;

2.7    Write a program to do the following:
             a) Declare x and y as integer variables and z as a short integer variable.
             b) Assign two 6 digit numbers to x and y.
             c) Assign the sum of x and y to z.
            d) Output the value of x, y and z.
                          Comment on the output.

                    int main()
                    int x,y;
                      short int sum;
                       printf("x=%d \ny=%d \nsum=%d\n",x,y,sum);
                         return 0;
                                    /*Comment:    x,y that is integer data type value but sum is short integer data 
                                       value.Cause of
                                         we have output result gerbage value.If we are taken sum value intger
                                            when we
                                           get required value*/

2.8   Write a program to read two floating point numbers using a scanf statement, assign their sum
         to an integer variable and then output the values of all the three variables.

                     int main()
                      float x,y;
                       int sum;
                        printf("Enter the value x,y:\n");
                         scanf("%f %f",&x,&y);
                         printf("x=%.1f \ny=%.1f \nsum=%d\n",x,y,sum);
                          return 0;

2.9   Write a program to illustrate the use of typedef declaration in a program.

                  int main()
                 typedef int NewData;
                   NewData x;
                   printf("Enter Value\n");
                 printf("This Value is:\nx=%d\n",x);
                  return 0;

2.10   Write a program to illustrate the use of symbolic constants in a real life application.

                 int main()
                      float Area,pi=3.1416;
                      int Rad;
                   printf("Enter the Radius\n");
                  printf("Area of Circle is: %.2f\n",Area);
                  return 0;
