Saturday, September 03, 2016

Solution of ANSIC Excercies Chapter 03

(Mahmud_Jamil)..BRUR// 03-09-2016

3.1    Given the values of the variables x, y and z, write a program to rotate their
         values such that x has the value of y, y has the value of z and z has the value of x.

                  #include <stdio.h>
                 int main()
                 int x,y,z,a;
                 printf("Enter three values are:\n");
                  scanf("%d %d %d",&x,&y,&z);
                  printf("\n\tx=%d  \n\ty=%d  \n\tz=%d\n",x,y,z);
               return 0;

3.2    Write a program that reads a floating-point number and then displays the right
         –most digit of the integral part of the number.

                     int main()
                    int a,e;
                    float p;
                      printf("Enter the value of p\n");
                    return 0;

3.3  Modify the above program to display the two right-most digits of the integral part of the number.

                 int main()
               int a,e;
                 float p;
                printf("Enter the value of p\n");
               return 0;

3.4   Write a program that will obtain the length and width of a rectangle from the
        user and compute its area and perimeter.

                #include <stdio.h>
                int main()
                 int len,wid,area,peri;
                  printf("Enter the Length of Rectangle:\n");
                printf("Enter the Width of Rectangle:\n");
                  printf("\nThe Area of Rectangle: %d\n",area);
                   printf("The Perimeter of Rectangle: %d\n",peri);

                 return 0;

3.5     Given an integer number, write a program that displays the number as follows:
                                First line              :   all digits
                                Second line         :   all except first digit
                                Third line             :   all except first two digits
                                Last line               :   The last digit.
                 For example, the number 5678 will be displayed as:
                                              5  6  7  8
                                              6  7  8
                                              7  8

                       #include <stdio.h>
                     int main()
                      int x,a,b,c;
                     printf("Enter a four digit number: ");
                   return 0;

3.6  The straight line method of computing the yearly depreciation of the value of an
        item is given by:
                    Depreciation = Purchase price- Salvage Value/Years of Service
           Write a Program to determine the salvage value of an item when the purchase price, years
          of service and the annual depreciation are given.

                      int main()
                          float Dep,Year_Ser,Pur_Price,Sal_value;
                          printf("Enter Deperaciation, Year of Service, Purchase price\n");
                            scanf("%f %f %f",&Dep,&Year_Ser,&Pur_Price);
                           printf("The salvage value of an item = %.2f\n",Sal_value);
                           return 0;

3.7     Write a program that will read a real no. from the keyboard and print the
          output in one line:
          Smallest integer         the given         largest integer
          not less than               number           not greater than the
          the number                                             the number

                  int main()
                  int SN,LN;
                     float RN;
                    printf("Enter the real no.");
                     printf("\n Smallest integer not");
                         printf("      The given no. ");
                        printf("     Largest integer not \n");
                      printf(" less than the number ");
                         printf("                        greater than the no.\n");
                            printf("         %d",SN);
                         printf("                   %.2f",RN);
                          printf("                  %d\n",LN);
                              return 0;

3.8    The total distance travelled by a vehicle in t seconds is given by 
                                                              distance= ut+(at2)/2
         Where u is the initial velocity( meter per second),a is the acceleration (meter per second2). Write    
         a program to evaluate the distance travelled at intrevales of time, give the value of u and a. the  
          program should provide the flexibility to the user to select his own time intervals and repeat the  
          calculation for different value of u and a.

                    int main()
                       int u,t,a;
                          float Dis;
                         printf("Enter the value of u,a and t\n");
                             scanf("%d %d %d",&u,&a,&t);
                         printf("The distance is : %.2f \n",Dis);
                         return 0;

3.9   In inventory management ,the Economic Order Quantity for a single item is given by
                             EOQ=sqrt { ( 2*demand rate*setup rate )/(holding cost per item per unit time )}
     And the Time Between Orders
                              TBO=sqrt{( 2* setup cost )/(demand rate*holding cost per item per unit time ) } 

                     int main()
                        float Dr,Sc,Hc,TBO,EOQ;
                          printf("Enter Demand Rate \n");
                          printf("Enter Setup Cost \n");
                           printf("Enter Holding Cost \n");
                   printf("\tThe Economic Order Quantity is : %f\n",EOQ);
                  printf("\tThe time Between Order is : %f\n",TBO);
                    return 0;

3.10    For a certain electrical circuit with an inductance L and resistance R,the
           damped natural frequency is given by frequency is
                    Frequency= sqrt((1/LC)-(R*R)/(4*C*C))

              It is desired to study the variation of this frequency with c,write a program to
            calculate the frequency for diff values of c starting from .01 to.10(interval is

              int main()
                 float L,R,C,x,a,b,c,d,F;
                printf("Enter the value of L,R,C\n");
                 scanf("%f %f %f",&L,&R,&C);
              return 0;

3.11   Write a program to read a four digit integer and print the sum of its digits.
          Hint: Use / and % operators.

                     int main()
                         int Num,Sum,Sum1,Sum2,Sum3,Sum4;
                       printf("Enter a Four Digits Number\n",&Num);
                         printf("\nSum of Digits are : %d\n",Sum);
                         return 0;

3.12   Write a program to print the size of various data types in C.

                   int main()
                           printf("Size of Integer Data Type : %d \n",sizeof(int));
                             printf("Size of Character Data Type : %d \n",sizeof(char));
                          printf("Size of Float Data Type : %d \n",sizeof(float));
                          printf("Size of Double Data Type : %d \n",sizeof(double));
                          return 0;

3.13  Given three values, write a program to read three values from keyboard and print out the largest
          of them without using if statement.

                    int main()
                   int x,y,z;
                   printf("Enter Three Numbers:\n");
                  scanf("%d %d %d",&x,&y,&z);
                 ((x>y)&&(x>z))?printf("Largest is x : %d",x):
                     ((y>x)&&(y>z))?printf("Largest is y : %d",y):
                  printf("Largest is z :-- %d",z);
               return 0;

3.14   Write a program to read two integer values m and n and to decide and print whether m is
         Multiple of n.

                     int main()
                     int m,n,x;
                       printf("Enter Two Numbers:\n");
                      scanf("%d %d",&m,&n);
                   (x==0)?printf("m is multiple of n\n"):printf("m is not multiple of n\n");
                       return 0;

3.15   Write a program to read three values using scanf statement and print the following
           a) Sum of the values
           b) Average of the three values
            c) Largest of three values
           d) Smallest of three values


3.16   The cost of one type of mobile service is Rs. 250 plus Rs. 1.25 for each call made over and above
          100 calls. Write a program to read customer codes and calls made and print the bill for each


3.17  Write a program to print a table of sin and cos functions for the interval 0 180 degrees in   increments of 15 as shown below:
     x(degees)                                            sin(x)                                         cos(x)
         O                                                       …….                                        …….
        15                                                        .……                                       …….
       …..                                                     …….                                           ……
      180                                                       …….                                          …….


3.18   Write a program to compute the values of square-roots and squares of the number 0 to 100 in steps 10 print the output in a tabular form as shown below.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

number                                                   Square-root                                                            square
0                                                                   0                                                                             0
100                                                               10                                                                   10000


3.19  Write a program that determines whether a given integer is odd or even and displays the  number and description on the same line.


3.20  Write a program to illustrate the use of cast operator in a real life situation.
