Administritivesetupe :
Government and Local Government
Central Government:
The Central government is a form of a
federal government that have distinct powers regarding decisions making and
delegating the authorities to members of the states. The structure of central
government varies in all countries. In some countries the central government
shares the powers and authorities at the sub-national level or regional or
local level and in some countries the whole country is run by the central
government. In countries where
authorities are given to the sub-national government, the matters relating to
national security, international affairs and diplomacy and economic decisions
are decided by the central government.
Local Government:
In fact,local government is not a
government system. It is merely public administration system that exists at the
lowest level of the state or country. Local government or local bodies act
according to the legislation or directions of the higher level of government or
central government. Different countries have a different form of local
government such as district, city, township and village council. The local
government system is the best administration system as it relieves the pressure
from the central or sub-national government in completing the task, relating to
development or welfare of the society.
ofCentral Government and Local Government:
Where a government of the special
municipality violates the Constitution, laws, or central government regulations
promulgated in accordance with law while carrying out self-government matters,
the central competent authority concerned shall report such to the Executive
Yuan to rescind, change, revoke, or discontinue such actions.
Where a government of the special municipality violates the
Constitution, laws, central government regulations, or exceeds its scope of
authority while carrying out its commissioned matters, the central competent
authority concerned shall report such to the Executive Yuan to rescind, change,
revoke, or discontinue such actions.
Where a county/city government violates
the Constitution, laws, or central government regulations promulgated in
accordance with law while carrying out self-government matters, the central
competent authority concerned shall report such to the Executive Yuan to
rescind, change, revoke, or discontinue such actions.
Where a county/city government violates the Constitution, laws, central
government regulations, or exceeds its scope of authority while carrying out
its commissioned matters, the commissioning agency shall rescind, change,
revoke, or discontinue such actions.
Where a township/city office violates the Constitution, laws, central
government regulations promulgated in accordance with law, or county
self-government ordinances while carrying out self-government matters, the
county government shall rescind, change, revoke, or discontinue such actions.
Where a township/city office violates the Constitution, laws, central
government regulations, county self-government ordinances, or county
self-government regulations, or exceeds its scope of authority while carrying
out its commissioned matters, the commissioning agency shall rescind, change,
revoke, or discontinue such actions.
In the event of doubts on whether the self-government matters stipulated
in paragraph 2, paragraph 4, and paragraph 6 violates the Constitution, laws,
central government regulations promulgated in accordance with law, or county
self-government ordinances, a motion for interpretation by the Judicial Yuan
may be filed. Prior to interpretation by the Judicial Yuan, the implementation
of such matters shall not be rescinded, changed, revoked, or discontinued.
In the event of inactions by the special municipalities,
counties/cities, or townships/cities despite stipulations by law thus seriously
undermining public interest and impeding the normal operations of local
government matters, and if such actions can be carried out by a proxy, the
Executive Yuan, relevant central competent authorities, or county governments
shall separately instruct special municipalities, counties/cities, or
townships/cities to carry out such actions within a specified period, and may
themselves act as proxy in the event of continuous inaction beyond the
specified period; provided, however, that the Executive Yuan, relevant central
competent authorities, or county governments may act as proxies in the event of
In the event the special municipalities, counties/cities, townships/cities
find it difficult to carry out the aforementioned disposition, the special
municipality, county/city, township/city shall file a complaint within the
specified period. The Executive Yuan, relevant central competent authorities,
or county governments may, taking into account the prevailing circumstances,
revise or rescind the original disposition.
Before deciding to act as proxies, the Executive Yuan, relevant central
competent authorities, or county governments shall inform the agencies that are
proxied and other agencies relevant to the self-government body. After the
notification by the agency in charge of the proxy, the matter shall be
transferred to the proxy agency until its completion.
The expenses for the proxy shall be
shouldered by the agencies that are proxied.If the local agencies refuse to
shoulder such expenses, the superior government agency may deduct such amount
from subsequent annual subsidies.
In the event a special municipality,
county/city, and township/city believes that the disposition to use a proxy is
unlawful, the issue shall be handled in accordance with administrative remedy
Relationship Between Central and Local Governments:
the court declares the election winner to be invalid,or where the court
declares the election invalid thusunderminingtheeligibility of the winner.
the person is accused and convicted of rebellion, treason,or corruption.
the person has committed the offenses of Organized crime Prevention Act, convicted and sentenced to
the person has committed a crime other than the offenses set forth in the
preceding two paragraphs, and has been convicted and sentenced to imprisonment
without probation or if a fine is not imposed in lieu of imprisonment.
the person is subject to rehabilitative disposition and reformatory education;
provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to those subject to
protective probation.
the household registration has been transferred outside of the administrative
district for not less than four months.
the civil rights been deprived and have not been restituted.
the person has been declared unfit to dispose of property and where such
declaration has not been rescinded.
there are events that calls for suspension of authority and discharged from his
position as stipulated by this Act.
11.Where there
are other events that calls for suspension of authority and discharged from his
position in accordance with other laws.
Central government is the official face of a country or state while local
government is the lowest tire in the administration system.
Central government is the name of complete government while local government
is, in fact, the name of public administration system.
government makes the policies for all departments, institutes or provinces of
the country and local government is bound to follow the legislations and
decisions made by the higher level of government or central government.
government works as a helping tool for the central government and make it
possible for the central government to worked efficiently at lower or local
relating to national security, international affairs and diplomacy and economic
decisions are decided by the central government while local government is
assigned to look after its specific town, district or divisiion.
Role of the Local Government Commission
Local Government Commission is an independent statutory body established under
the Local Government Act 2002. The Commission has three members who are
appointed by the Minister of Local Government. Its main task is to make
decisions on the structure of local government. The Commission's functions are
To report on, and make
recommendations to the Minister of Local Government on matters relating to
local government. This may be done on the Commission'sowninitiative or at the request of the Minister.
To hear and determine appeals
relating to decisions of "appointed local authorities" or "joint committees" on proposals for the alteration of boundaries of local
authority districts or the transfer of functions between local authorities.
To consider and determine proposals
for the constitution or abolition of territorial districts or regions, and
proposals for the establishment of unitary
To consider and determine appeals
and counter-objections relating to a local authority's proposals for ward or
constituency boundaries, and the number of its members following a
representation review.
To consider and determine issues
relating to the constitution of communities and establishment of community
role of central government:
government's financial role requires that it assesses and collects taxes, print
money, borrow money, regulate the value of money and punish counterfeiters. Its
commerce role includes regulating both interstate and foreign trade,
establishing bankruptcy rules, establishing roads and post offices, and granting
copy rights and patents. National defense includes declaring of wars,
maintaining and raising the armed forces, ensuring state militia enforces
federal laws, repelling invasions and suppressing insurrections as well as
punishing piracy.The foreign affairs role conducts diplomacy and authorizes
treaties when transacting with foreign countries. Its role of ensuring all laws
are necessary and proper allows Congress to be flexible enough to expand the
powers that are necessary in carrying out its role.The three branches of the
central government guarantee that no single individual or group has too much
control. The legislative branch makes the laws, enacts legislation and has the
power to declare war, the executive branch carries out and enforces the laws,
and the judicial branch executes those laws.